Israel-Iran Update:
No public information concerning the timing or nature of the Iranian response to the assassination of Hamas's leader on Iranian soil, however, Al-Jazeera YouTube channel viewership is 2x baseline. The Saudis have contacted Iran to discuss bilateral ties, but in reality, this was to urge restraint.
Israel has already demonstrated that it can shoot down any incoming missiles, meaning that if yet another missile barrage is selected at the mode of attack, it will be largely ineffectual. As there have been many myserious explosions in Iran over the years, there is nothing fundamentally difference about this latest incident except for a growing sense amongst the Iranian public that Iran is the next domino after Lebanon falls. The appetite for direct Iranian involvement is coming from the bottom, up. There is a widespread perception that the loss of Raisi was also Israel's responsibility. Underneath all of this is an Israeli policy which will not permit Iran access to nuclear weapons. We still do not have definitive answers as to how it was that the October 7th attack could have been permitted despite full knowledge of the Mossad of the impending attacks. The motive for allowing the attacks seems quite clear.
Saudi Arabia has also made it clear that if Iran gets a bomb, they'll get a bomb. Israel doesn't want either of those countries having nuclear weapons. Israel won't survive if either of these countries have nuclear weapons.