The latest Presidential polling:
Wall Street Journal - Trump +3%
CNBC - Trump +2%
Forbes - Trump +2%
Rasmussen (Daily Tracking Poll) - Trump +3%
Even when these are averaged against the slanted pro-Harris polls, the average is about the cross back over the line to put Trump in the lead. Trump was well behind in this average in 2016 and won a majority of electoral votes despite losing the popular vote and this was without all of the polling shenanigans now being pulled. To get to the real numbers, you have to just look at Rasmussen.
In the critical swing states, Trump is already in the lead in the RealClearPolitics average by around 1% and Rasmussen has him ahead by 3% in those swing states.
Beyond this, I have felt a strong sense of optimism and there is a feeling that good things are in the works. Morale is good amongst my pro-Trump customers at work and the Pro-Harris customers made snobbish remarks about Trump having a photo opportunity at a McDonald's. Direct quote from one of the customers: "If I had seen Trump pop out of the window instead of you, I would have thrown up" and the remark was delivered in a priggish way. What I can infer from this is that Trump supporters are quite vocal and active this year and the Harris supporters are arrogant and are not doing anything to persuade people to come over to their side. They simply assume that their position is so "obviously right" that no effort need be made to convince people of their viewpoint, to canvass neighborhoods etc. This is not helping them.
Polls open in just over 11 days. Iran strike package is ready to go and it appears that American long-range bombers will be in the air shortly. The Iran strikes will do less to gin up support for Harris than they seem to think, but this is the main reason for the delay in the Iran operation, they want to launch it just before the election.