Там мизер сланцевого газа, а нефти нет.
Вся проблема с Украиной только в попытке военного блока НАТО захватить Севастопольский порт.
И история началась с 2013 года.
После переворота на Украине, как Крым на референдуме стал российским, Путин думал, что интерес в НАТО к Украине пропадет.
Но в этом Путин ошибся и НАТО создало военную базу в Очаково на Украине и обещало принять в блок. Шло накачивание оружием.
Далее Зеленский сосредоточил на востоке 170 000 группировку. То есть там мог бы быть геноцид населения.
Никакие уговоры и просьбы соблюдать минские соглашения не помогли.
И Путин признал независимость ДНР и ЛНР.
Но Зеленский стал обстреливать эти новые два государства. Это зафиксировано в ОБСЕ.
После этого Путин был вынужден начать военную спец операцию.
In early 2014, it was shocking to see the images of Ukraine on fire and some held out hope that Obama would intervene, but he didn't. When we did nothing for seven years, it was surprising that weapons suddenly starting moving into Ukraine. The timing of the beginning of these shipments was at the same moment that Biden entered office; that's what changed. Biden was in bed with Ukraine and was connected to Burisma. I never cease to be amazed by the vitriolic hatred of all things Russian exemplified by Ukrainian-Americans.
I have a true story about this, some aspects of which are too far-fetched to be believed. In 2017, I was working at a grocery store and met a young woman and was unsure as to whether to get into a relationship with her. She wasn't the sort of woman I normally get involved with and seemed promiscuous. Against my better judgment, I had a fling with the woman which was predictably short-lived. She claimed to be Irish and her father, incidentally, shared a name with a well-known American physicist from the early 20th Century. One day, as we were driving in my car, a song played from my phone over the car radio. It was the only Russian-language song in my collection, but I had an affinity for the song after it was, strangely enough, introduced to me many many years ago by a previous girlfriend. The promiscuous, supposedly Irish girl was somehow able to identify the language as Russian (and was able to differentiate it from Ukrainian, which most English-speakers absolutely cannot do.) She turned my radio off and said, "Nope! I can't stand anything that's Russian! Ukrainian music would be okay, but NOT RUSSIAN!" I was flabbergasted. I told her that it was just a song and could not understand the source of this animosity. If she was just some ordinary American girl, there was no good reason for her to have this kind of reaction. Of China, she had once said, "I don't hate the Chinese, I just hate their language. It sounds goofy to me." With China, it was just generic bigotry, but with regard to her attitudes toward Russia, there was something personal there beneath the surface.
I typically wear black cotton/spandex blend shirts similar to the ones that Zelenskyy likes, but I never wear green and only wear black. The girl said, "You know, if you wore green instead of black you would look really good in that color." I never forgot this and when the events of 2022 began, I remembered this odd statement from her despite five years having passed. As difficult as it must be to believe, I think that she knew about the events of 2022 in 2017 and that her father was the one to tell her. I happened upon a portrait of some historical Ukrainian woman and was shocked by the uncanny resemblance between this girl and the woman in the oil painting. I suddenly recognized that this girl was, at most, only part Irish and was, in fact, of Ukrainian stock.
It was around this time that I had been spreading the word of some technologies I had invented which enabled particles to travel forward into the future and to return to the past, conveying information about possible futures. I also reasoned that it might be possible to form linkages between different points in time which might enable us to essentially fax blueprints for the machine to our past selves so that we may have the technology earlier than otherwise possible and to repeat this endlessly. I also recognized that it was possible that the thing I had thought I had been the first to invent may have been previously discovered, unbeknownst to me, in the past. By re-discovering it and sharing this knowledge, I was fundamentally altering the balance of power. It may have even been possible that I was the original inventor and that the particulars of the invention somehow found their way to the past.
When I first met the girl's father, I thought it was odd that he was studying advanced topics including both history and physics. It seemed to be atypical for a pastor in the Salvation Army. Religious fundamentalists rarely have any scientific inclination. I began to suspect that his name was an alias and that his entire family had changed their name after he disappeared without authorization from a U.S. Government facility associated with Los Alamos but located within the Lechuguilla Cave complex which deals in the very technology I had either discovered or re-discovered. Whichever the case was, whether I discovered it first or whether I simply re-discovered it, I began to reflect on some odd coincidences from my past and came to what seemed an absurd conclusion: That this device which they have in New Mexico enables the viewing of possible futures. At some point in the future (not too distant from our current perspective but quite distant from his, as this was in the early 1990s when I was about three years old) he could see that I was going to become known for these inventions and for a partnership with Russia. I suddenly understood that my chance encounter with his daughter was not a chance encounter at all, but was of her father's design. He sent us on a collision course in order to both garner information concerning my technology (he sent her two years too soon to collect useful information in this regard, as my first publication concerning inverse mass neutrinos came in 2019) as well as an attempt to change history by derailing my life. Perhaps he thought that I would become so depressed because his daughter broke up with me that I would be driven to suicide. This did not happen and I simply moved on. When I came up with a method for artificially producing these 'tachyons,' if you would like to call them that, in 2021, the girl showed up again and attempted to start a conversation with me at my gym. This was only days after my March 17, 2021 publication on the topic of skyrmion lattices being useful in this regard.
I subsequently wrote a memoir detailing some of the particulars of my past, including the year 2006/2007. I gave enough detail in the book for someone to extrapolate fairly easily where I had spent some time with a previous girlfriend thanks to my memoir. Back in 2006, over that summer, I was strolling around a movie theater with my then-girlfriend and we found a series of annual-variety sunflowers which had sprouted behind the theater. At the time, I had no idea that this was the national flower of Ukraine. Someone had purposefully planted these there and they must have been annuals because they did not return again the next summer.
If I am correct, and I am certainly willing to entertain the possibility that these are all incredible coincidences, it means that a religious fundamentalist with a Ph.D. in physics who was also a Ukrainian ultra-nationalist managed to get access to our most secret facility in the late 1980s or early 1990s. He was being unofficially sought out by our government, no doubt, as the people who work at this facility are not allowed to simply leave or quit their jobs. He had been smuggling information out of the facility. The Salvation Army was merely a means for him to start a new life and begin living under an assumed name. That particular organization furnishes its "officers" with a free home and cars, although the homes and cars remain in the name of the Salvation Army. This is done in order to control the members of the cult. He was fine with this because it helps him to keep a low profile. The job also requires that he move regularly. He had been in Glenside, Pennsylvania but he is now in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania.
It gets better. He runs a political commentary site where he pretends to be a woman whose name happens to be the exact same name as the youngest of his three daughters:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcy_WheelerThe guy lives under the name John Wheeler and apparently is so fanatically pro-Ukrainian that he groomed his middle daughter to carry out a very unique sort of mission. The mission failed, in part, because his daughter was mentally unstable and not a true believer in the ideas with which she had been indoctrinated. As "Wheeler" had been a Ph.D. who had an unsuccessful side-career as an inventor, there was no small degree of envy involved in his fixation with me and the future reports of my decision to share my inventions freely and my lack of a degree of any sort. In fact, I scarcely attended High School and attended what we call an Alternative School. At some point in the future, I believe my story is going to become widely known. God knows I've been contacting many journalists and universities about my story and my ideas.
I used to share music on a platform called SoulSeek. One day in 2022, at the time when it seemed clear that a Russian invasion was imminent, I received a message which seemed to make reference to a conversation I had been having verbally with my father. It came through the SoulSeek platform. The only way this could have happened is if someone had activated my microphone and was listening. Whoever sent the message sounded envious of my intellect and seemed a bit drunk. I though it might have been an RIAA troll who didn't want me sharing music, but I now believe it was Wheeler. In 2022, my Internet service was terminated after I continued sharing my inventions despite unofficial threats from the FBI that my "Internet would be taken away from me" if I continued to share information. A week or two prior to the shut-off date in May 2022, I suspended my music sharing and took the opportunity to create new accounts to stop my stalker, whoever they were. It was clear that I had a few. Six days after I suspended this sharing of music, which had apparently been how Wheeler was getting into my system repeatedly (as it both creates a security vulnerability and a music collection is something about a person which is highly unique,) guess who showed up on the stairs of my building? It was his middle daughter with whom I had the fling. She was pretending to deliver food to a tenant of the building and took the opportunity to peer into my apartment through the ground-level patio door. There could be no doubt she was sent there by her father in response to my disappearance from the Internet, at least from his perspective.
In a world where information can flow through time backward, all of the ordinary human shortcomings such as envy and hatred can manifest themselves in unexpected ways. I am lucky to be alive seeing as this guy is a
and considers to me to be, essentially, Hitler. Armed with my identity, he could have found me in the past and prevented me from doing my work for which I become noted. There is a hackneyed thought experiment in which people are asked if they could go back in time and assassinate Hitler, whether they would do it. I believe this John Wheeler attempted such a thing, except his information concerning my whereabouts, personal life and character traits were never very accurate as he had not accessed the machine in many years. My mother was (when she was living) precognitive and I am also precognitive. This provides a distinct defensive advantage against someone employing such a gambit. My mother moved us around a lot and so any stalker would have found it difficult to find us in the past.
As I said, it is a far-fetched story, but believe me when I say that these people are fanatical and you are absolutely correct that they would slaughter Russian civilians in DPR and LPR. Their trident symbol reminds me of a spade flanked on either side by two butcher's knives. This is not a symbol of peace. It's always been my experience that people with evil intentions will attempt to dress them up; in this case, quite literally; with flowers.