Понял, но это причина в управлении и безразличном подходе к проблеме.
Сознательно войсками не окружали, как в голодомор.
Причина была в том, что Кубань коммунисты хотели передать Украине и запретили русский язык, а местные были против. Поэтому решили их уничтожать голодомором. А потом подспела и война.
Да нет в 1946—1947 цифры потерь были небольшими. Это цифры не реальные.
Даже в голодоморе цифры были в несколько десятков тысяч.
В фотографиии такие я не верю. Надо досконально знать такие факты, что за дети там.
То же самое и с такими фотками в США. Это манипулирование.
I am not well-versed in the circumstances which led up to the 46-47 famine. I know that American schools teach that Stalin was a genocidal maniac who stole from his people and from the way that you talk, it sounds like this is an accurate assessment. The trouble was, that when reforms began under Khrushchev, the USSR was depicted in much the same way as under Stalin and the substantial differences between these leaders was not covered in our media. In our media, all Soviet leaders were a sort of monolith with the exception of Gorbachev and even then, Gorbachev was depicted in a different light only because he cooperated with our Reagan.
This reminds me of the controversy of a reporter who broke a press embargo on the German surrender after Victory Day
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2139571/Edward-Kennedy-receives-apology-fired-reporting-German-World-War-II-surrender.htmlEven this story doesn't get to the most important fact. Two different messengers were sent out by the Germans to surrender. One went east to surrender to the Soviets and one headed west to surrender to the Americans. The Germans intended purposefully to surrender a full day earlier to the Soviets because they feared the Soviets and their vengeance. The Americans ordered that the press not report this. Americans were told that Victory Day was May 7th in Russia simply because the Russians did not wish to celebrate on the same day (May 8th) as the United States out of pure spite. Most Americans accepted this as the truth. Even this dailymail.co.uk story fails to mention that there were two different contingents sent out to surrender separately. The idea that there was a staged surrender ceremony two days later is nonsense. One surrender was official but not ceremonial. The second was not official but was ceremonial, complete with photographs. The same thing happened with the unofficial Japanese surrender followed by a more ceremonial surrender a few days later. There is nothing unusual about this. However, the American media was extremely controlled around that time.
Americans were very fortunate not to have to endure such merciless famine during and after the war as we were protected by two oceans. My grandmother was employed at the Fairchild Aircraft Manufacturing Company during the war period. I believe it may have been her sister's husband who worked at Reuters filing reports from Europe. Everyone was in the Army back then or at least had a war-related occupation of some sort. Through a strange twist of fate, my parents met as a result of my mother taking a job immediately after completing secondary school as a civilian employee of the U.S. Army Electronics Command at the Albert J. Myer Center, better known as the "Hexagon."
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Communications-Electronics_Command I attempted to obtain my mother's service records but was refused under both the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act despite her service being in excess of 50 years in the past. My father was a draftee during the Vietnam period and was stationed on the same base which was home to the Hexagon. My father did not think that the rules applied to him and routinely skipped duty shifts and vandalized the automobiles of any superiors who disciplined him for his failure to report for duty in a timely manner. He was eventually, as many were at that time, given the option of either serving time in the brig or in being transferred (and this is no joke) to work in the intelligence community. The only way into the intelligence community in the 1960s was through military referral, but the problem was that only misfits were being referred. The commanding officers used the intelligence community referral program to offload problematical personnel. The story becomes more unbelievable from here, so I will perhaps tell the remainder of this story on another occasion.
Clearly, there is a great deal of corruption in both of our countries which takes different forms. As for intellectual property theft, there is no shortage of this. They blew an entire website away under the authority of the National Security Act of 1947 in May of this year simply to protect a smaller defense contractor's patent application (forums.livescience.com gone forever.) Had I not shared my ideas there, that forum would still exist. The company which was one of many to usurp my ideas simply had someone at DARPA call someone at FBI and they issued a National Security Letter and the site was gone within about 45 days of the time the order was given. It had nothing to do with secrecy, they don't care about secrecy. I do not believe for a second that I could get away with this in any other country, but they literally do not care about secrecy. I know that you will not believe this, but all they care about is the protection of profit. This is why the United States is destined to lose with or without my assistance. If they allow individuals to send instructions for future-viewing devices to other countries over the Internet either because they don't believe that such a thing is possible or because they are apathetic, they clearly are not invested in winning.