Автор Тема: Device Capable of Fissioning Stable Elements featuring Enhanced Fusion Stage  (Прочитано 773 раз)

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Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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I came up with a method for enriching uranium some months ago without using centrifuges but then I thought to myself, "What if we could eliminate the need for uranium entirely?"  I also went ahead and improved the thermonuclear stage.  I hope I explained everything correctly and clearly.  4 pages.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Да, кинетическая энергия нейтронов может быть причиной деления и нейтроны, ударяющиеся о ядра, вызывают деление под действием кинетической силы для некоторых атомов.

Причина, по которой  свинец не вступает в цепную реакцию при бомбардировке нейтронами заключается в конфигурации атомного ядра.

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Well, whatever the case may be, so long as our President entrusts Canadians with our secrets I can only conclude that Sleepy Joe won't mind if we include others.

I do like the way she winked at me through the television on 13 December 2022, though.

None of the private-industry fusion projects are set up correctly or are reflective of the understandings which made the 05 December 2022 test (and near-ignition tests leading up to it) possible.  It will be interesting to see which industrialist is the benefactor of leaked DoE info on how this was done (obviously it's information which is circulating online as DoE got it from the Internet which got it from me.)  Gates has a project but he's using it mostly for PR and does not care about actually profiting from a fusion industry.  It will almost certainly be the extant energy consortia which get clued into it, possibly Duke Energy.  We'd need just a few generating stations but would need transmission lines capable of either superconduction or pseudo-superconduction.  It requires many components.  For one, they haven't synthesized the photovoltaic I specified and the whole thing will, in the end, depend upon skimming light across the plasma and using SASE effects in conjunction with a photovoltaic (the LASER and the PV have to both be highly efficient) so that energy can be pulled from the plasma without the need for the plasma to touch the walls of the chamber.

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Whoops.  I just used way too many acronyms for something which needs to be run through an automated translator... allow me to define terms:

DoE = Department of Energy
PR = Public Relations
SASE = Self-Amplifying Spontaneous Emission
LASER = Light Amplified by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation
PV = Photovoltaic