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Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« : Июль 22, 2024, 18:04 »
I had been using LiveScience forums to do this but since they took it down (whoops) I'll have to do it here.  Something tells me that this site isn't going to respond to FBI-issued National Security Letters.  As I've taken no oath of secrecy and am merely an analyst dealing in open-source information, I may share my analysis with any party I please.


DARPA recently awarded Physical Science Inc. $2,319,798 for services to be rendered, although as is customary, the nature of these services are not specified.  Earlier in the year, DARPA began an initiative supposedly revolving around shielding satellites from X-Ray flux to prevent accidental or purposeful sabotage of satellites.  This program's true purpose actually has to do with enhancing the SBIRS system to include X-Ray detection and analysis.  Much of what Physical Science Inc. does has to do with radiological detection.

When Vela Hotel satellites were pioneered, their purpose was to detect the X-Ray double-pulse associated with nuclear weapons testing.  The DSP satellite program was designed to enable the infrared signature of rocket launches to be detected.

In the 50 years which have elapsed since this era, X-Ray detection has advanced to the point where it may be leveraged for other applications.  For example, when convention munitions are detonated, there is a faint X-Ray signature associated with the detonation.  Depending upon the type of explosive used and the thickness and composition of the bomb casing, the signature is perceptibly different.  A new class of satellites is under development which is capable of both the detection and analysis of these sorts of patterns.

This capability is intended to alert the user to the testing of imported munitions (for example, munitions purchased by Russia from China) and to pinpoint the testing sites.  It can also be used to alert the user to covert military activities such as airstrikes in any nation in the world.  This will make attribution of covert airstrikes more efficient and accurate.  No longer will people have to be sent in on the ground to collect samples of chemical residue in order to achieve attribution of the source of the attack.  Too many times, the U.S. and Russia have operated in the same area covertly and have stepped upon one another (Syria is a prime example) and we've been left with no way to determine who was responsible for a particular action.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #1 : Июль 22, 2024, 22:20 »
(for example, munitions purchased by Russia from China)

У вас ошибочная информация.
Russia у China не покупала оружие.
Так как Китай очень боится США.
И  Китай очень боится США, а с Россией только показуха и все.
В Северной Корее возможно были покупки оружия и снарядов.
Но пока все отрицают, как и Иран тоже отрицает.

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #2 : Июль 22, 2024, 23:14 »
У вас ошибочная информация.
Russia у China не покупала оружие.
Так как Китай очень боится США.
И  Китай очень боится США, а с Россией только показуха и все.
В Северной Корее возможно были покупки оружия и снарядов.
Но пока все отрицают, как и Иран тоже отрицает.

The American media reported that Russia was buying weapons from China, but it also reported that Russia was selling weapons to North Korea which is nonsensical of course, given that there is not exactly a surplus of any type of munition on either side.

Speaking of shortages, perhaps you'd find it amusing that we sent all of our MRE (Meals, Ready to Eat) (Food Rations) stockpiles to Ukraine and when they were depleted in 2021, they needed to ramp up production.  They invoked the Defense Production Act to obtain more peanut butter, an essential ingredient for MREs, along with "milkshake powder" which is essentially the same as baby formula.  Biden's advisors told him to claim a salmonella contamination of the peanut butter but this recall of peanut butter, which somehow affected both Jif Brand and Skippy Brand (which are manufactured by entirely different companies) but the recall, rather than telling the supermarkets to dispose of the "contaminated" peanut butter, instructed them to mail the peanut butter back to the manufacturer.  From there, the peanut butter was send to DoD facilities which produce MREs.

Reasoning that people were having fewer children than any other time in our history, they made similar claims of listeria contamination of baby formula and sent similar instructions for them to return the product to the manufacturer rather than the usual instruction to dispose of the product.  This, too, was shipped to the facilities which manufacture MRE rations.  Feeding the Ukrainian regulars and mercenaries fighting on the Ukrainian side has pushed the United States to the breaking point in terms of the production of rations.  This seems to suggest that the United States would fair poorly in a protracted conflict.

China is afraid of no one.  They have 4x the population of the United States and 5x the industrial capacity and they have tens of thousands of spies within the United States and Europe which the FBI refuses to arrest.  I had an encounter with them after they started paying Chinese-American neighbors of mine to deploy spy equipment to help to breach my devices in 2019 and 2020.  I had to throw everything out and start over again and drop off the radar.  The Chinese like to employ Bluetooth protocol hacks of cell phones and other devices because these short range radio transmissions are not collected by NSA's grid.  They bought a new car for and paid cash stipends to our neighbors in exchange for their help.  Told the FBI about this and never heard back.  They never arrested the Chinese spies.

In 2021, when I published an editorial concerning Biden's connection to Elon Musk, that was when the FBI started watching me.  The Trump FBI took no action against me and I will therefore not have to worry about this problem anymore after January 20th.  The GPS constellation calibration on Mars via Ingenuity helicopter is a matter of some sensitivity only because it is a multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-funded system which serves the exclusive purpose of enabling Musk's tourism venture, which will never happen and wouldn't be very profitable.  The ingredient you'd need for practical transit between Earth and Mars is photo-magnetic propulsion, which I contributed on September 5, 2022, leading to the establishment of the CRANE and DRACO initiatives, which are one in the same.  The DRACO project actually concerns using PoMP to accelerate kinetic energy impactors to enable near-earth-object deflection and the CRANE project (now X-65) has to do with propelling unconventional aircraft which require neither propellers nor jet engines.

China is manufacturing computer chips which are more sophisticated than anything we have here, at least in terms of consumer electronics.  NSA has photonic processors which are more evolved than anything China has, but these are not slated for public release.  Evidence for this is the 2009 announcement from Intel Haifa that they made the key breakthrough for photonic processors but there was only silence after this, meaning that it was put under military authority.  Troublingly, the United States has, at least ostensibly, ignored my publications proposing novel computing architectures which would put us well-ahead of the Chinese capability.  The most advanced fabrication method I have invented calls for the intersection of two beams of helical light from two different directions.  The helicity enables the beams to pass through materials to insert transistors within the interior of a processing cube without affecting the above layers.  When the two beams interact, they de-helicize and emit light in an outward direction, like a beacon without a bulb.  This means that three-dimensional processing architectures can be constructed without the need to integrate heterogeneous, discretely manufactured layers.  The most efficient processing architecture would be a photonic memristor with neuromorphic features, which I also suggested.  For consumer needs, we need facilities which can fill the gap created by the loss of China and Taiwan.  Two new plants, one from TSMC and one from Intel are being built in Arizona but will not be complete until at least 2032.  Intel has received tens of billions of corporate welfare from the Biden Administration, more than any company in history.  Despite this, it continues to manufactured outdated processors.  Whether we have the absolute fastest processors is less important than our ability to fill the supply gap.  Without at least basic chips in large numbers, we can't build or maintain automobiles, we can't build airplanes and we can't build consumer electronics.

My best assessment of China right now is that they are smug.  When it comes to people like me, their credo is "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"  China never approached me or offered me money, they simply built their dossier.  The pieces are in place for them to move into Taiwan, beginning with a blockade.  With the U.S. tied up in Ukraine and with the expectation that we will cut off support with the new administration, China is now moving quickly as they want to do this before we completely retract our Ukraine support.  They estimate that we will not intercede in Taiwan while still entangled in Ukraine, but in reality, we wouldn't intercede in Taiwan even if free from obligations to Ukraine.  To intercede there would, unlike with Ukraine, certainly result in Chinese bombing of Guam which would obligate the full power and fury of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to come crashing down on their homes.  It would go nuclear.

The U.S. can devastate China through its Air Force only if Guam is kept operational.  Thus, the United States knows to an affluent certainty that defending Taiwan would ultimately obligate it to go to war with China, generally.  I think that you and I both know that China is the real enemy.  If I were in charge, I would cultivate friendship with Russia rather than driving Russia into bed with China given what is at stake.  It will take decisive action sooner than later and a total commitment to victory to neuter the Chinese menace.  These people spied upon me in my own home.  In a way, so did the Ukrainians.  The one bit of good news is that the Chinese believe that I am mentally unstable and therefore distrust everything I say.  They believe I am leaking information from a series of contacts but that my ideas are not my own.  The United States government is not sure of how I am achieving what I am achieving but they are using private entities to assess the viability of my ideas individually before investing in them.  This offloads the risk to the private sector, which also enjoys healthy profits from my ideas.

When the British subversives triggered WWI, they exploited a series of inter-dependent treaties in order to force a war with Germany, which they wanted.  Although Trump is very anti-war, if certain events were to transpire e.g. the sinking of a U.S. warship, even he would be powerless to stop the war.  The Military Industrial Complex can make this sort of event happen.  They only have to call the Captain of one of our destroyers and tell them to sail a little too close to the action in Taiwan during the blockade and that will basically guarantee that it gets deep-sixed.  With a conservative but not entirely anti-war Congress (which rightly has war powers,) Trump can be forced to go to war.  Whereas we've moved away from formal declarations of war from Congress, we may have to return to this if a President is unwilling to take aggressive action when it is actually called for.  The sinking of a single U.S. warship obligates the annihilation of China and everyone in it.  Russia knows better than this but China does not because they have never been at the receiving end of the fury of the most powerful entity on Earth.  If we need to round up people based upon their ethnicity, we will.  We've done it before.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #3 : Июль 23, 2024, 02:33 »
My best assessment of China right now is that they are smug.

Китайское чудо существует только благодаря Генри Киссинджеру. Этого еврея очень уважают в Китае.
Перед смертью он встречался с Си.

With the U.S. tied up in Ukraine and with the expectation that we will cut off support with the new administration, China is now moving quickly as they want to do this before we completely retract our Ukraine support. 

Проблема Украины в том, что это уже не первый раз народ Украины совершает измену.
Но для России цель не Украина, а договор с НАТО, такой договор был заключен в 1997 году, но потом он был нарушен.

Ошибка властей США, что власти США толкают Россию к Китаю и мне это не нравится.
Правильно было бы США и России проводить индустриализацию друг друга.
А Китай постепенно вытеснять с рынков. Но наши пропагандисты другого мнения и пропагандируют союз РФ с Китаем.

Оффлайн Дмитрий Мотовилов, Доктор наук РАЕ

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #4 : Июль 23, 2024, 03:40 »
Китайское чудо существует только благодаря Генри Киссинджеру. Этого еврея очень уважают в Китае. Перед смертью он встречался с Си.
Своего чуда они не понимают сами. А Пётр Петрович Кропачев, учитель истории в 1961-м, бывший военный лётчик ВОВ, прекрасно понимал. Как и грядущий развал экономики СССР. Но помалкивал и обходился лишь знаковыми фактами, наводящими вопросами и загадочными усмешками. Потому я его и помню спустя 63 года...

Проблема Украины в том, что это уже не первый раз народ Украины совершает измену.
Но для России цель не Украина, а договор с НАТО, такой договор был заключен в 1997 году, но потом он был нарушен.
Дело не в народе, ибо коренные русские - сами бывшая часть народа киевской Руси. Дело в геополитической географии киевской Украины.

Ошибка властей США, что власти США толкают Россию к Китаю
Ошибка в том, что не осознают исторической миссии России и ставят палки в колёса Истории.

Правильно было бы США и России проводить индустриализацию друг друга.
Индустриальный уклад остался в прошлом.

А Китай постепенно вытеснять с рынков. Но наши пропагандисты другого мнения и пропагандируют союз РФ с Китаем.
Таковы данные об оптимальном будущем, полученные по технологии времени.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #5 : Июль 23, 2024, 11:43 »
Индустриальный уклад остался в прошлом.

Это мнение глобалистов и можно хоть частично с ним соглашаться, если Трамп не станет президентом.

И с вашим мнением, что индустриальный уклад остался в прошлом не согласны китайцы и промышленность в Китае постоянно развивается.
А наука возможна только в индустриальной стране, в неиндустриальных странах наука невозможна.
И хоть китайцы не способны к наукам, но они нанимают европейцев и американцев на научные работы.

Оффлайн Дмитрий Мотовилов, Доктор наук РАЕ

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #6 : Июль 23, 2024, 12:32 »
И с вашим мнением, что индустриальный уклад остался в прошлом не согласны китайцы и промышленность в Китае постоянно развивается.
А наука возможна только в индустриальной стране, в неиндустриальных странах наука невозможна.
В Китае развивается военная индустрия. И в России тоже. Проблем нет, амерцы курят в стороне.
Эффективная наука возможна лишь при свободе творцов науки.  Пока что она как и раньше, ограничена в обеих странах советскими нормами морали и нравственности. А творцы науки и техники - бесправные рабы по всему миру.

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #7 : Июль 23, 2024, 15:35 »
В Китае развивается военная индустрия. И в России тоже. Проблем нет, амерцы курят в стороне.
Эффективная наука возможна лишь при свободе творцов науки.  Пока что она как и раньше, ограничена в обеих странах советскими нормами морали и нравственности. А творцы науки и техники - бесправные рабы по всему миру.

Quite right.  The Chinese mind simply functions differently than others and it lacks creative capacity.  This is why there is both a lack of rebellion within China and why they need to usurp the ideas of Europeans in order to gain advantage.  They excel independently in areas which call for rote experiments involving large, industrial-scale trial-and-error approaches which benefit from essentially a bruteforce attack against the problem.  Biological sciences and drug development benefit from the Chinese advantages, but if they want unconventional, revolutionary ideas, they need the European mind.  Between open-source information, traitors and cyber attacks, they have had liberal access to our military research.  They were cleverly able to hijack two different F-35s and fly them by remote control intact to airfields in mainland China using submarines equipped with the proper radio systems and knowledge of the encryption codes, which was obtained from the Lockheed Martin mainframes.  Japan and the United States each have a pilot rotting in a Chinese prison that we'll never see again.

I find it amusing that our NSA acts as a sort of cyber "linebacker" for major defense contractors who have demonstrated time and again that they are incapable of securing their own networks from nation-state attackers.  Over $400 Billion was spent simply developing the F-35 and another $1 Trillion to build the planes, although this production has not yet reached a conclusion so we don't know the ultimate cost.  We have fought military campaigns for less money than this single aircraft design.  In an instant, all of the most sensitive information about F-35 was lost due to a single breach.  NSA publishes guidelines for businesses to follow and offers free cybersecurity services to defense contractors deemed "eligible" for their expert help.

Of course, the real problem is that we have no government-employed weapons designers.  Lockheed, Boeing and other contractors do all of their own R&D and offer new advancements to the U.S. Government like items on a menu in a restaurant.  The U.S. usually winds up ordering 80% of the contents of that menu but because it's private industry designing these weapons before the government even sees a demonstration, the work is not even classified.  Lockheed and others give grants to universities which are quick to publish information in the open concerning the fruits of the Lockheed-funded research, which exposes the sensitive details of the programs.  This also means that the sensitive information is on Lockheed servers rather than official government networks.  The security level of both, in this day and age, are similar, but the criminal penalties for smuggling information out of Lockheed are less than the penalties for sneaking it out of a government system, especially when this is done prior to government acquisition of proprietary technologies.  Thus, there is a lot of room for traitors to smuggle information to China and this seems to be going unchecked even today.  For defense contractors to be developing technology and offering it to the government is the tail wagging the dog.

A good example is a meta-lens developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which was funded by Lockheed.  The lens enables a focusing optics system which fits into a mostly-flat space wherein the plastic meta-lens (made from a material similar to blank optical media such as compact discs) with incisions and folds consistent with the Japanese art of kirigami changes shape when heated.  The exact temperature of the meta-lens determines the focal distance.

I immediately knew this was for the F-35 because Lockheed would have been interested (as would the Air Force be) in overcoming deficiencies resulting from both the space needed for the existing camera system, the way in which that system compromises stealth as well as blind spots created by the system.  A flat optics system would allow more complete access to the visual field, better stealth and, in theory, such a layer could be adapted to form the basis of an optical cloak, rending the jet invisible to the naked eye.  A visible-band stealth cloak has been tested for several years at Area 51 over dirigibles.  Black ribbon sightings are the signature of the imperfect cloak associated with that platform, with special hangars popping up at Area 51 in September 2019 to house two such dirigibles.  The black ribbon sightings stopped in early 2021 which suggests they fixed the issue.  That system is the simplest thing in the world.  Essentially you have a channel similar to an optical fiber except rather than a fiber, it's an envelope like two sheets layered atop one another.  Light is admitted to the envelope through a meta-material regardless of angular momentum but is permitted to exit the envelope only when the angular momentum is at a 0-180 degree relationship with the top layer.  The outermost layer will allow light of any angular momentum into the envelope but only light which strikes attempts to escape "straight out" to leave the envelope.  After light has made a complete journey around the object cloaked through this envelope, the angular momentum will complete a full rotation after many bounces and will continue on its journey as if it never interacted with the object.  This works well for dirigibles but it trickier with irregular-shaped objects such as jets.  For it to remain secret, it has to be switchable electronically or there would be photographs online of "just landing gear" on a tarmac somewhere.  It is of little practical application as we're more worried about infrared signatures and RADAR-band detection, but it does become relevant when considering the advent of LiDAR seeker heads on missiles which operate around the visible band.

With the February 2022 MIT meta-material, you can not only focus light according to heat but could channel light around the skin of the aircraft to form a coherent, switchable cloak. https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/news/statements-speeches/2024/lockheed-martin-update-on-f-35-technology-refresh-3.html

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #8 : Июль 23, 2024, 16:08 »
Совершенно верно. Китайский разум просто функционирует иначе, чем у других, и ему не хватает творческих способностей. Вот почему в Китае не хватает восстания, и поэтому им необходимо узурпировать идеи европейцев, чтобы получить преимущество.
Однако тут чисто расовые, а не ментальные особенности.  Научно установлено, что кареглазые - отличные исполнители, а светлоглазые - творцы и руководители. Я нашёл этому подтверждение на своей службе в Армии. Делал просто чудеса организации с невиданным творческим итогом на выходе. Исполнители были счастливы, а у руководства глаза на лоб вылазили от изумления и язык просто отнимался, кроме восторженного русского мата ничего не могли произнести.
Хотя и на работе у карусельного станка в свои 17 лет организовал такой техпроцесс, что после ухода в инженеры начкадров на коленях валялся. Умолял вернуться в цех на станок с сохранением двух зарплат - инженера и станочника. Не вернулся. И тогда эти коммунистические сте-рвы сдали новенький станок в утиль якобы по причине аварии. Лишь бы не идти на понижение производительности труда по их старой технологии.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #9 : Июль 23, 2024, 16:34 »
В Китае развивается военная индустрия.

Если конкретно о военных, то вот как работают китайцы.
Власти КНР еще в сентябре 2014 года заключили с РФ контракт на приобретение 4-х дивизионов зенитных ракетных систем (ЗРС) С-400 «Триумф», об этом журналистам в середине апреля 2015 года рассказал гендиректор «Рособоронэкспорта» Анатолий Исайкин.

в 2010 году, когда завершилась передача КНР 15 дивизионов ЗРС С-300 ПМУ-2, а также четырех систем управления 83М6Е2.
По словам эксперта по вооружениям и военным расходам Стокгольмского международного института исследования проблем мира Симона Веземана, российская власть осознает тот факт, что Пекин, скорее всего, скопирует технологии, которые используются в С-400. Такое ранее уже произошло с комплексом ПВО С-300, а также другими типами военной техники из России, которые поставлялись в КНР на протяжении последних двух десятков лет, отметил эксперт. «Считается, что именно вопрос о копировании технологий был одним из самых трудных при заключении договоренностей между двумя странами. Однако для России это имеет сегодня меньшее значение, чем политические и экономически преимущества от сделки по продаже С-400 Пекину»

А уж про Калашникова молчим.
в последние десятилетия КНР преподнесла России множество примеров копирования вооружений. К примеру, новая китайская БМП ZBD04 очень сильно похожа на российскую БМП-3. Китайская РСЗО PHL-03 точь-в-точь напоминает российскую РСЗО «Смерч». А истребитель J-11 внешне даже не отличить от отечественного Су-27СК. То же самое можно сказать о палубном истребителе J-15 очень сильно напоминающим наш Су-33. Список можно продолжать и дальше. К чему может привести такое копирование, показал 2013 год, когда Россия проиграла тендер на поставку 12 дивизионов ЗРК большой дальности, объявленный Секретариатом оборонной промышленности Турции.
Китай поставил в Турцию  HQ-9 Последний, который, по сути, является нелицензионной копией российского С-300ПМУ-1, смог выиграть турецкий конкурс, хотя и уступает по характеристикам российскому аналогу.
Так  крупный оружейный контракт уплыл в Пекин.
Как показала практика, бороться с китайским пиратством в правовом поле, по-видимому, бесполезно.
По крайней мере, все предыдущие попытки России призвать китайцев к хоть какому-то порядку успехом не увенчались. Все дело в том, что восточная хитрость со стороны китайских инженеров заключается в том, что они при копировании обязательно добавляют в исходный продукт, какие-то свои доработки и усовершенствования. После этого, ссылаясь на проведенную доработку, объявляют копию своим «ноу-хау».
В конце концов, у России на подходе есть и более перспективный комплекс — могучая зенитно-ракетная система С-500 «Прометей».

И в России тоже.
Возможно после начала СВО. А до СВО было очковтирательство.

Проблем нет, амерцы курят в стороне.
НЕ объективное мнение.

Эффективная наука возможна лишь при свободе творцов науки. 

Так фрилансеры есть и были всегда.
Вот и вам ничто не мешает ваши идеи осуществить в опытный образец.

Вот у меня есть планы по разработке и лет 10 назад я это делал и работы были неудачными. На Макспарке размещал в общем описание, что делал.

А творцы науки и техники - бесправные рабы по всему миру.

Научные работники на Западе получают средние доходы, а у нас самые мизерные, чем можно представить, меньше, чем ученые в РФ мало кто получает.

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #10 : Июль 23, 2024, 16:41 »
The Chinese mind simply functions differently than others and it lacks creative capacity.  This is why there is both a lack of rebellion within China and why they need to usurp the ideas of Europeans in order to gain advantage.

Изучал научные работы японцев, корейцев и китайцев в начале научной карьеры.
Там просто копирование чужого и изображение себя в лучшем свете.
После этого всегда со скепсисом отношусь к ним.
Особенно когда японцы делали заявления о новой температуре сверхпроводимости. И до сих пор это не подтвердилось, а те японцы оказались мошенниками в научном журнале.
Вот сейчас китайские полеты на Луну сильно сомнительны и для скрытия фактов, китайцы дают только фото, но видео роликов нет.
Это показывает, что вероятно врут и никуда и ни на какую Луну китайцы не летают.

They were cleverly able to hijack two different F-35s and fly them by remote control intact to airfields in mainland China

Копировать и воровать азиаты умеют очень хорошо.

Оффлайн Дмитрий Мотовилов, Доктор наук РАЕ

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #11 : Июль 23, 2024, 17:22 »
Так фрилансеры есть и были всегда.
Вот и вам ничто не мешает ваши идеи осуществить в опытный образец.
Давно уже воплощено в производство. Точнее - отнято у бесправного раба, заткнуто ему горло, связаны руки. 
"Дай это сюда, быдло, и пшёл на своё место в конуре, собака. Советская власть тебе всё дала, лижи лапу ей и помалкивай"
Опытный образец - предел мечтаний???? Я сделал его ещё в аспирантуре 35  лет назад...
И теперь снова светит за всё хорошее такая же нищенская жизнь среди издевающихся над тобой негодяев и работа на директора НИИ в его лаборатории? Слов нет...  :shocked:

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #12 : Июль 23, 2024, 17:31 »
Изучал научные работы японцев, корейцев и китайцев в начале научной карьеры.
Там просто копирование чужого и изображение себя в лучшем свете.
После этого всегда со скепсисом отношусь к ним.
Особенно когда японцы делали заявления о новой температуре сверхпроводимости. И до сих пор это не подтвердилось, а те японцы оказались мошенниками в научном журнале.
Вот сейчас китайские полеты на Луну сильно сомнительны и для скрытия фактов, китайцы дают только фото, но видео роликов нет.
Это показывает, что вероятно врут и никуда и ни на какую Луну китайцы не летают.

Копировать и воровать азиаты умеют очень хорошо.

China's claims to landing on the Moon were amusing, yes, I remember this.  The photo they released of their rover was taken as if it a person was standing over the rover with no robotic armature holding the camera.  There was a visible chalk stage marking line in front of the Chinese rover which they forgot to erase.  U.S. activities concerning the moon were fraudulent, as well, with Apollo serving the purpose of calibrating "star tracking" technology which led to more accurate ICBMs.  Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were seen at a Las Vegas hotel and casino between July 20 and 22 of 1969.  Asked about this, Buzz Aldrin became defensive and punched a reporter in 2002.

Many fraudulent claims concerning superconductivity have been made but in my publication of 1 January 2024, I explain that insulators are the most promising superconductor candidates and the research community seems to be following this cue.  Conductivity is based upon the mutual magnetic influence of electrons in a material and the electrons conducted.  This dance between the electrons is like traveling by way of leaping between "monkey bars." 

In superconduction, the magnetism of the electrons of the conductor are negated, making the journey of the free electrons more like traveling along a zipline. 
Ultra-cold temperatures stop the spin of electrons by stopping the oscillation of nuclei.  By stopping the spin, they stop the magnetism.  For room-temperature superconduction, insulators must be augmented with Coulomb Force Line generators which force electrons to fly transversely through graphene or hexaboron nitride layered in alignment with one another.  Ordinarily, insulation is the result of attempts at this as the electrons are pulled toward one node or another of the carbon.  With sufficient Coulomb force, the electrons can be forced to the center like the way that the beak of this bird can be made to balance using counter-weights in the wings.    Crystals can be used to project these force lines wherein the crystals feature large numbers of aligned electrons which allow Coulomb forces to extend over great distances.  Many of my inventions rely upon different creative uses of long-range electroweak forces brought about by aligned electrons or protons within crystals.

The chief application for superconduction is computing, for reasons I explained in a couple of my papers.  My concept for a magristor (magnetic resistor) processor operating in a dynamical three-dimensional mode (like a 3D chessboard) wherein the hexaboron nitride forms a conditionally superconductive gate allowing electrons to be pushed at will through the planar layers, exponentially improving the computing power of the processor.  It looks like this: https://youtu.be/qI5_ll8cy40?t=23  :tongue:

Оффлайн Николай Григорьевич Зуб

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #13 : Июль 23, 2024, 20:24 »
The photo they released of their rover was taken as if it a person was standing over the rover with no robotic armature holding the camera. 

Нет, китайцы пока только луноходы показывают и про людей пока молчат.

U.S. activities concerning the moon were fraudulent, as well

50 лет назад власти США полеты людей на Луну, как гамбургеры делали, по русски пирожки пекли.... за мегьше, чем два года почти 10 полетов человека на Луну.
И скоро 50 лет, как ни одного полета человека на Луну.
Но среди россиян не мало, кто верит в полеты и у нас на форуме есть несколько таких.

Оффлайн Sedwards33123

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Re: Open-Source Information Analysis and Insight
« Ответ #14 : Июль 23, 2024, 21:01 »
Нет, китайцы пока только луноходы показывают и про людей пока молчат.

When there are so many other priorities such as launching satellites, going to the Moon (really, actually going there rather than pretending to do so) would be an academic exercise and risks an embarrassing failure.  There are many logistical challenges which would have to be overcome.  For one, outside of the protection of the Earth's magnetic field, radiation shielding is required which is not integrated into any extant space suits.  The ISS and other spacecraft have shielding but it is not required to be robust as the ISS is near enough to the Earth that it falls within the protective bubble.

On the Moon or even on the way to the Moon, a human would be cooked like a chicken.  One would need a radiation-blocking suit, but one would also need a radiation-proof visor which would mean an opaque helmet with a camera with a head-up-display like the F-35 helmet where one depends upon the camera to see.  Otherwise, it'd be a lethal dose of radiation through the visor area, alone.  If the radiation fries the camera, you're blind because you don't have the camera, so you have to harden all of the electronics against this.

The really difficult part would be landing a rocket about the size of an Atlas rocket in the upright position on the Moon to enable a return journey.  The fictitious Apollo return rocket simply was not large enough to carry sufficient fuel to escape lunar gravity, much less return to Earth.  Even more ridiculous was the claim that Apollo 13, after a technical failure, returned to the Earth without the guidance computer by keeping the Earth in the porthole of the module and manually controlling the pitch and yaw of the craft with a joystick as the Earth bounces around in the window.  Absolutely absurd.  The re-usable boosters Musk builds can be made to land on the Moon or Mars, but only with GPS constellations around the Moon or Mars or wherever you want to land.  At the rate those things tip over, I wouldn't want to bet my life on the booster landing correctly.  They were able to calibrate a system around Mars successfully only because Mars has a thin atmosphere which enabled the Ingenuity helicopter to function.  The Moon has no atmosphere and so this will not work.  They'd need to make a craft which runs on photo-magnetic propulsion to do the same on the Moon.

The trouble is that NASA's ethic is not one of wide-eyed, child-like curiosity as they claim but rather the enabling further defense spending which can be masked as purely scientific.  Every single thing that NASA does and about 15% of what NOAA does is for the military.  The DART mission was particularly interesting as they claimed they were trying to measure the mass of the Dimorphos asteroids but in reality they were testing a new theory of gravity by using a forward-deployed probe to ionize one of the metallic asteroids.  They measured the gravity of the metallic body before and after ionization in order to determine if its attractive force was changed.  Of course, there was no public acknowledgement that this was a key part of the mission.  They didn't publish the results, but seeing as I was responsible for the underlying theory of electrical gravity which gave them the idea in the first place, I would like to imagine that they confirmed that it is positive electrical charge and not mass which drives gravity.  Electrons have some mass.  Therefore, they were looking to determine whether gravity increased due to the addition of electrons.  Under electrical gravity theory, protons generate the same gravity regardless of electrical charge and neutrons and electrons do not influence gravitational pull.  This is, in truth, easier to measure nanoscopically closer to home as we can segregate protons and neutrons and watch for disparities in gravity.  Some experiments are showing that neutrons do not, in isolation, create a gravity field.  Only protons do this.

Somehow, I am influencing decisions concerning important experiments but they never call me and ask me to come work for them and it's certainly got something to do with the fact that others take the credit.  https://youtu.be/7JARqDwkXxE?t=97