У вас ошибочная информация.
Russia у China не покупала оружие.
Так как Китай очень боится США.
И Китай очень боится США, а с Россией только показуха и все.
В Северной Корее возможно были покупки оружия и снарядов.
Но пока все отрицают, как и Иран тоже отрицает.
The American media reported that Russia was buying weapons from China, but it also reported that Russia was selling weapons to North Korea which is nonsensical of course, given that there is not exactly a surplus of any type of munition on either side.
Speaking of shortages, perhaps you'd find it amusing that we sent all of our MRE (Meals, Ready to Eat) (Food Rations) stockpiles to Ukraine and when they were depleted in 2021, they needed to ramp up production. They invoked the Defense Production Act to obtain more peanut butter, an essential ingredient for MREs, along with "milkshake powder" which is essentially the same as baby formula. Biden's advisors told him to claim a salmonella contamination of the peanut butter but this recall of peanut butter, which somehow affected both Jif Brand and Skippy Brand (which are manufactured by entirely different companies) but the recall, rather than telling the supermarkets to dispose of the "contaminated" peanut butter, instructed them to mail the peanut butter back to the manufacturer. From there, the peanut butter was send to DoD facilities which produce MREs.
Reasoning that people were having fewer children than any other time in our history, they made similar claims of listeria contamination of baby formula and sent similar instructions for them to return the product to the manufacturer rather than the usual instruction to dispose of the product. This, too, was shipped to the facilities which manufacture MRE rations. Feeding the Ukrainian regulars and mercenaries fighting on the Ukrainian side has pushed the United States to the breaking point in terms of the production of rations. This seems to suggest that the United States would fair poorly in a protracted conflict.
China is afraid of no one. They have 4x the population of the United States and 5x the industrial capacity and they have tens of thousands of spies within the United States and Europe which the FBI refuses to arrest. I had an encounter with them after they started paying Chinese-American neighbors of mine to deploy spy equipment to help to breach my devices in 2019 and 2020. I had to throw everything out and start over again and drop off the radar. The Chinese like to employ Bluetooth protocol hacks of cell phones and other devices because these short range radio transmissions are not collected by NSA's grid. They bought a new car for and paid cash stipends to our neighbors in exchange for their help. Told the FBI about this and never heard back. They never arrested the Chinese spies.
In 2021, when I published an editorial concerning Biden's connection to Elon Musk, that was when the FBI started watching me. The Trump FBI took no action against me and I will therefore not have to worry about this problem anymore after January 20th. The GPS constellation calibration on Mars via Ingenuity helicopter is a matter of some sensitivity only because it is a multi-billion dollar, taxpayer-funded system which serves the exclusive purpose of enabling Musk's tourism venture, which will never happen and wouldn't be very profitable. The ingredient you'd need for practical transit between Earth and Mars is photo-magnetic propulsion, which I contributed on September 5, 2022, leading to the establishment of the CRANE and DRACO initiatives, which are one in the same. The DRACO project actually concerns using PoMP to accelerate kinetic energy impactors to enable near-earth-object deflection and the CRANE project (now X-65) has to do with propelling unconventional aircraft which require neither propellers nor jet engines.
China is manufacturing computer chips which are more sophisticated than anything we have here, at least in terms of consumer electronics. NSA has photonic processors which are more evolved than anything China has, but these are not slated for public release. Evidence for this is the 2009 announcement from Intel Haifa that they made the key breakthrough for photonic processors but there was only silence after this, meaning that it was put under military authority. Troublingly, the United States has, at least ostensibly, ignored my publications proposing novel computing architectures which would put us well-ahead of the Chinese capability. The most advanced fabrication method I have invented calls for the intersection of two beams of helical light from two different directions. The helicity enables the beams to pass through materials to insert transistors within the interior of a processing cube without affecting the above layers. When the two beams interact, they de-helicize and emit light in an outward direction, like a beacon without a bulb. This means that three-dimensional processing architectures can be constructed without the need to integrate heterogeneous, discretely manufactured layers. The most efficient processing architecture would be a photonic memristor with neuromorphic features, which I also suggested. For consumer needs, we need facilities which can fill the gap created by the loss of China and Taiwan. Two new plants, one from TSMC and one from Intel are being built in Arizona but will not be complete until at least 2032. Intel has received tens of billions of corporate welfare from the Biden Administration, more than any company in history. Despite this, it continues to manufactured outdated processors. Whether we have the absolute fastest processors is less important than our ability to fill the supply gap. Without at least basic chips in large numbers, we can't build or maintain automobiles, we can't build airplanes and we can't build consumer electronics.
My best assessment of China right now is that they are smug. When it comes to people like me, their credo is "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" China never approached me or offered me money, they simply built their dossier. The pieces are in place for them to move into Taiwan, beginning with a blockade. With the U.S. tied up in Ukraine and with the expectation that we will cut off support with the new administration, China is now moving quickly as they want to do this before we completely retract our Ukraine support. They estimate that we will not intercede in Taiwan while still entangled in Ukraine, but in reality, we wouldn't intercede in Taiwan even if free from obligations to Ukraine. To intercede there would, unlike with Ukraine, certainly result in Chinese bombing of Guam which would obligate the full power and fury of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to come crashing down on their homes. It would go nuclear.
The U.S. can devastate China through its Air Force only if Guam is kept operational. Thus, the United States knows to an affluent certainty that defending Taiwan would ultimately obligate it to go to war with China, generally. I think that you and I both know that China is the real enemy. If I were in charge, I would cultivate friendship with Russia rather than driving Russia into bed with China given what is at stake. It will take decisive action sooner than later and a total commitment to
to neuter the Chinese menace. These people spied upon me in my own home. In a way, so did the Ukrainians. The one bit of good news is that the Chinese believe that I am mentally unstable and therefore distrust everything I say. They believe I am leaking information from a series of contacts but that my ideas are not my own. The United States government is not sure of how I am achieving what I am achieving but they are using private entities to assess the viability of my ideas individually before investing in them. This offloads the risk to the private sector, which also enjoys healthy profits from my ideas.
When the British subversives triggered WWI, they exploited a series of inter-dependent treaties in order to force a war with Germany, which they wanted. Although Trump is very anti-war, if certain events were to transpire e.g. the sinking of a U.S. warship, even he would be powerless to stop the war. The Military Industrial Complex can make this sort of event happen. They only have to call the Captain of one of our destroyers and tell them to sail a little too close to the action in Taiwan during the blockade and that will basically guarantee that it gets deep-sixed. With a conservative but not entirely anti-war Congress (which rightly has war powers,) Trump can be forced to go to war. Whereas we've moved away from formal declarations of war from Congress, we may have to return to this if a President is unwilling to take aggressive action when it is actually called for. The sinking of a single U.S. warship obligates the annihilation of China and everyone in it. Russia knows better than this but China does not because they have never been at the receiving end of the fury of the most powerful entity on Earth. If we need to round up people based upon their ethnicity, we will. We've done it before.