Но главная проблема началась тогда,
когда перестал работать
В рядах ВСУ начался хаос, было очень много дружественного огня. Никто не понимал, кто где находится, кто по кому стреляет.
Затем уже пришло понимание, что до АЭС дойти нереально. Было принято решение окапываться, всё вокруг минировать. Враг стянул огромное количество ПВО.
Но сейчас противник максимально растянут. Теперь украинские журналисты считают, что Россия якобы осознанно запустила ВСУ до определённой точки. Сегодня в Курской области идёт уничтожение самых боеспособных бригад украинской армии.
В свою очередь "Легитимный" пишет, что на последней ставке Зеленский был очень злой и нервный. Курская авантюра начинает превращаться в курскую западню, но не для русских, как задумывал и хотел сделать Зеленский, а для него самого. Чем хуже будут обстоять дела на фронте, тем "нервнее" будет Зеленский.
Even under MI6 observation, sources such as "Legitimate" are able to betray Zelenskyy without detection. He entirely threw out his war cabinet and the replacements are not on his side. There is deep division even amongst Ukrainians who are not of divided loyalty as many want to sign a peace treaty before Ukraine slips into a weaker bargaining position, yet Zelenskyy is a fanatic and is thousands of miles away from the battlefield living in luxury. Russia has made a steadfast commitment to permanent annexation of additional regions and will keep adding to this list, tightening the ratchet. Previously, only Luhansk and Donetsk had been on this list but now Zaporizhzhia and Kherson are about to become a permanent part of Russia.
The incursion into Kursk has been heavily publicized in the American media and is being used to increase domestic political support for sending further aid to Ukraine. They make it sound like Ukraine is on the verge of marching into Moscow but in reality, they will never come near even the city of Kursk proper. Perhaps Zelenskyy orchestrated this incursion with the intent not of distracting from the eastern front but rather with the intent of getting Americans to support an increasingly unpopular proxy war. Ukraine could never hope to achieve meaningful military objectives with this incursion. If the intent was to sway American public and governmental opinion (I believe it, indeed was,) Zelenskyy has failed in this regard.
General elections in the United States are now merely two months away and regime change is 4 1/2 months away. Ukraine has already seen the last major batch of funding and arms shipments as it is impossible to approve new legislation during the "lame duck" period between the election and the inauguration. Biden's goons will spend those three months shredding documents which might incriminate them with regard to Ukraine as well as other crimes against the American people.
The novel I am currently reading, incidentally, is Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities." Set in 1775 and 1792, it describes how France used its treasure to wage war against England and to, of course, sponsor revolution in the British colonies of America (although America is not a subject of the novel) while its own people starved. While the French government was able to get away with this in 1775, by 1792, the people had decided that they'd had enough. France failed to conquer England and ceased to be globally relevant due to its insistence upon over-extending itself financially and waging war against its own people even as it waged war against England. Just 50 years later, France found itself fighting alongside England in the Crimean War and assisting their former enemies. We could learn much about the destiny of America by studying the failure of Napoleon and Marie Antoinette to make sound financial and military decisions.
On an unrelated note, I am reminded of the fact that after British agents instigated the American Civil War by sponsoring the passage of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, the United States was devastated and the capstone of this British achievement was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, who was reluctantly forced to liberate negro slaves in order to undermine the Confederate States of America's economy. Lincoln was months away from returning these slaves to Liberia, a colony established by the United States to return the slaves to their natural habitat. By assassinating Lincoln, British operative John Wilkes Booth succeeded in deeply undermining the future United States. Booth, of course, was not killed as the Americans claim in 1865 but was able to successfully evade those searching for him with a vagrant who had been sleeping in barn being shot and labeled as being Booth in order to provide closure to the American people prior to the Lincoln funeral. Booth lived a full life and his two later identities are well-known.
This subterfuge was not the nail in the coffin of the United States as a sovereign nation free from British influence. It was the British instigation of World War I and the assassination of John Jacob Astor which enabled a sufficient number of members of Congress to be ousted from Congress in the 1912 election to ensure that the Federal Reserve Act could be passed. The United States has had a central bank ever since and it is no coincidence that WWI began just as the central bank came to power in 1913. Many books have been written about the meeting on Jekyll Island. The British achieved through subterfuge and gradual corruption the usurpation of French (as of 1815,) American (as of 1912,) German (as of 1918) sovereignty.
In Dickens' novel, he goes out of his way to make Tellson's Bank central to the story; a fictitious bank used as an allegorical stand-in for the banking industry as a whole. In the novel, British operatives are able to infiltrate France and smuggle information across the front lines using the authority of banking business. In nearly every historical case, the British have used banking in order to permanently co-opt other, sovereign countries. Dickens was an educated man and was acutely aware of this and clearly did not approve of his country's imperialism.
Even in the mid-19th Century and even prior to this corruption by the British, the United States was already engaged in the deception of its people. They lied about John Wilkes Booth, they lied about Lincoln's intentions and made him into a folk legend when he truly did not want to free the slaves. Beyond this, the United States was founded by British tax evaders who were at odds with King George III, a popular King who was well-liked by most of the British colonists in America during his reign. Washington badly mistreated his troops, forcing many of them to march barefoot or in sandals and paying them in rum rather than in silver or gold pieces. Even to this day, American school children are taught that George Washington was the first President of the United States when, in fact, this honorific belongs to John Hancock, the President of the Congress Assembled at the time of America's Declaration of Independence. Hancock's lack of king-like authority is often used as the pretext for denying him the distinction of First President of the United States despite the fact that this was his title and that no one celebrates the birthdate of the United States as 1787 (the year of Ratification of the Constitution) but rather, everyone knows that this nation was established in 1776. We count the birthdates of our nation from 1776 but start counting Presidents from 1787 because Washington was so powerful and so obsessed with his image that he ordered that he be referred to as the first president when everyone in the country alive in 1787 knew it to be a lie.
Another bit of American history not taught to American school children is how a man named Robert Morris very nearly became as powerful as Washington but by a narrow margin, lost a campaign to make Morrisville, Pennsylvania the capitol of the United States. As a consequence of his political marginalization, his frauds; most of which involved bilking real estate investors; were exposed by his political opponents. Washington engaged in far greater fraud than Morris but his crimes were never investigated because he was a king. This is why we say, "History is written by the victor." I won't even get into Jefferson, who was a supporter of civil liberties who owned many slaves and had sex with his negro slaves, Sally Hemmings being the chief example. It is difficult to think of a more hypocritical person than one who claims to support freedom while engaging in slavery and predicates a personal rationale for the slavery upon the notion of negro inferiority whilst simultaneously engaging in carnal relations with a supposedly inferior species. No one who actually believed negroes to be inferior would consider doing such a thing.
There was never a time when the United States wasn't corrupt, despite a belief to the contrary on the part of the flag-waving right-wing in America. While NATO is possible only because of banking hegemony, the United States is a manifestation of greed on the part of wealthy tax evaders. This is the history lesson we need for our schools. These lessons have never been more relevant as the largest corporations now literally pay 0% (and in some cases, a negative rate of taxation and are thus receiving tributes from the Treasury,) in taxes and this is the reason why the U.S. National Debt increases each year in a manner commensurate with a nation engaged in total war. I predict that the United States will not default on its debt but will rather continue to go deeper into dept until debt-to-GDP gets to about 320%, at which point, the basic functions of the government will break down as all of the taxpayer monies will go toward financing the debt. Things could get truly ugly at that point. Perhaps China will send humanitarian aid in the form of American-style hamburgers and potato chips in reciprocation for all of the free food aid we sent them in the 1950s as a reward for installing Mao.